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Creating a DAO

This section outlines the data structures for DAO creation. For more information on available messages, visit the Messages page



The DaoMetadata contains general information about the DAO, including the name, logo, and social media information.

struct DaoMetadata {
pub name: String,
pub logo: Logo,
pub socials: DaoSocialData,

Defines a DAO’s logo. Currently, only URL images are supported.

enum Logo {


Defines the social media usernames for a DAO.

struct DaoSocialData {
pub github_username: Option<String>,
pub discord_username: Option<String>,
pub twitter_username: Option<String>,
pub telegram_username: Option<String>,


The DaoMetadata contains general information about the DAO, including the name, logo, and social media information.

Defines a DAO’s logo. Currently, only URL images are supported.


Defines the social media usernames for a DAO.

struct DaoMetadata {
pub name: String,
pub logo: Logo,
pub socials: DaoSocialData,

DAO creation


There are three types of DAOs that can be created using Enterprise:

enum DaoType {
enum DaoMembershipInfo {

New or existing

DAOs can either be created from scratch as New, or they can be imported as Existing DAOs.

enum DaoType {
enum DaoMembershipInfo {


There are three types of DAOs that can be created using Enterprise:

New or existing

DAOs can either be created from scratch as New, or they can be imported as Existing DAOs.

enum DaoType {
enum DaoMembershipInfo {

Creating a new DAO

code_id and info

When creating a new DAO, the appropriate on-chain membership_contract_code_id of a contract must be specified (CW20 tokens, CW721 NFTs, CW3 multisigs), along with other necessary membership information for the governance asset.

struct NewDaoMembershipMsg {
pub membership_contract_code_id: u64,
pub membership_info: NewMembershipInfo,
enum NewMembershipInfo {

code_id and info

When creating a new DAO, the appropriate on-chain membership_contract_code_id of a contract must be specified (CW20 tokens, CW721 NFTs, CW3 multisigs), along with other necessary membership information for the governance asset.

struct NewDaoMembershipMsg {
pub membership_contract_code_id: u64,
pub membership_info: NewMembershipInfo,
enum NewMembershipInfo {

New token

NewTokenMembershipInfo is used to instantiate a new DAO governance membership token. This information is similar to a CW20 token's instantiation info.

struct NewTokenMembershipInfo {
pub token_name: String,
pub token_symbol: String,
pub token_decimals: u8,
pub initial_token_balances: Vec<Cw20Coin>,
pub token_mint: Option<MinterResponse>,
pub token_marketing: Option<TokenMarketingInfo>,
struct MinterResponse {
pub minter: String,
pub cap: Option<Uint128>,
struct TokenMarketingInfo {
pub project: Option<String>,
pub description: Option<String>,
pub marketing_owner: Option<String>,
pub logo_url: Option<String>,

A new Token DAO must specify:

  • A name.
  • A token symbol (typically 3-4 letters).
  • The number of decimal places a token can be divided into.
  • A list of addresses and amount pairs that are the initial holders of the token.

struct NewTokenMembershipInfo {
pub token_name: String,
pub token_symbol: String,
pub token_decimals: u8,
pub initial_token_balances: Vec<Cw20Coin>,
pub token_mint: Option<MinterResponse>,
pub token_marketing: Option<TokenMarketingInfo>,
struct MinterResponse {
pub minter: String,
pub cap: Option<Uint128>,
struct TokenMarketingInfo {
pub project: Option<String>,
pub description: Option<String>,
pub marketing_owner: Option<String>,
pub logo_url: Option<String>,

Optional minting info

  • Addresses of accounts that can mint the token and its maximum supply.
  • The cap is a hard cap on the total supply that can be achieved by minting. This refers to the total_supply. If no cap is specified, the supply can be unlimited.

struct NewTokenMembershipInfo {
pub token_name: String,
pub token_symbol: String,
pub token_decimals: u8,
pub initial_token_balances: Vec<Cw20Coin>,
pub token_mint: Option<MinterResponse>,
pub token_marketing: Option<TokenMarketingInfo>,
struct MinterResponse {
pub minter: String,
pub cap: Option<Uint128>,
struct TokenMarketingInfo {
pub project: Option<String>,
pub description: Option<String>,
pub marketing_owner: Option<String>,
pub logo_url: Option<String>,

  • Marketing information about the Token's project and/or owner.

struct NewTokenMembershipInfo {
pub token_name: String,
pub token_symbol: String,
pub token_decimals: u8,
pub initial_token_balances: Vec<Cw20Coin>,
pub token_mint: Option<MinterResponse>,
pub token_marketing: Option<TokenMarketingInfo>,
struct MinterResponse {
pub minter: String,
pub cap: Option<Uint128>,
struct TokenMarketingInfo {
pub project: Option<String>,
pub description: Option<String>,
pub marketing_owner: Option<String>,
pub logo_url: Option<String>,

NewTokenMembershipInfo is used to instantiate a new DAO governance membership token. This information is similar to a CW20 token's instantiation info.

A new Token DAO must specify:

  • A name.
  • A token symbol (typically 3-4 letters).
  • The number of decimal places a token can be divided into.
  • A list of addresses and amount pairs that are the initial holders of the token.

Optional minting info

  • Addresses of accounts that can mint the token and its maximum supply.
  • The cap is a hard cap on the total supply that can be achieved by minting. This refers to the total_supply. If no cap is specified, the supply can be unlimited.
  • Marketing information about the Token's project and/or owner.

struct NewTokenMembershipInfo {
pub token_name: String,
pub token_symbol: String,
pub token_decimals: u8,
pub initial_token_balances: Vec<Cw20Coin>,
pub token_mint: Option<MinterResponse>,
pub token_marketing: Option<TokenMarketingInfo>,
struct MinterResponse {
pub minter: String,
pub cap: Option<Uint128>,
struct TokenMarketingInfo {
pub project: Option<String>,
pub description: Option<String>,
pub marketing_owner: Option<String>,
pub logo_url: Option<String>,


New NFT membership information contains:

  • A name.
  • A Symbol.
  • An optional address of the minter who can create the NFTs.

struct NewNftMembershipInfo {
pub nft_name: String,
pub nft_symbol: String,
/// optional
pub minter: Option<String>,

New NFT membership information contains:

  • A name.
  • A Symbol.
  • An optional address of the minter who can create the NFTs.

struct NewNftMembershipInfo {
pub nft_name: String,
pub nft_symbol: String,
/// optional
pub minter: Option<String>,

New multisig

New multisig DAOs require the addresses and weights of all the multisig members. To learn more about multisig weights, visit the Configurations and parameters page

struct NewMultisigMembershipInfo {
pub multisig_members: Vec<MultisigMember>,
struct MultisigMember {
pub address: String,
pub weight: Uint64,

New multisig DAOs require the addresses and weights of all the multisig members. To learn more about multisig weights, visit the Configurations and parameters page

struct NewMultisigMembershipInfo {
pub multisig_members: Vec<MultisigMember>,
struct MultisigMember {
pub address: String,
pub weight: Uint64,

Importing an existing DAO

To import an existing DAO, you must specify the contract address of an existing membership contract and DAO governance type.

struct ExistingDaoMembershipMsg {
pub dao_type: DaoType,
pub membership_contract_addr: String,

To import an existing DAO, you must specify the contract address of an existing membership contract and DAO governance type.

struct ExistingDaoMembershipMsg {
pub dao_type: DaoType,
pub membership_contract_addr: String,